
Fundamentals of Industrial Measurement

Course Description

This lesson presents the basic principles of pressure measurement and applications of direct and inferred pressure measurement methods. Various pressure instruments are presented including manometers, mechanical pressure sensors, and transducers.

What you'll learn in this course?

  • Recognize the importance of the measurement and control of pressure

  • Define pressure and determine the pressure exerted by a liquid

  • Identify the effects of temperature change on the force exerted by a liquid

Our Commitments

-Transportation service from / to airport.
-Fully detailed Training Material
-Meeting room with Daily coffee break and Snacks
-Evaluations before and after the training program to ensure the trainee’s satisfaction.
-Course certificate
-Workshop of the training program to get the maximum benefits of the course
-Provide all the required facilities to the participants in our laps

Date : 2024-11-18
Course includes:
  • Language Language English
  • img Certifications Yes
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